In a program I was working on, I decided to use Dynamic Type. You can read about it here, but suffice it to say, it is a new way of handling text sizes in iOS7. The user can set a value in their iOS device’s settings to set all text to be bigger or smaller than default, for any app that implements Dynamic Type. This is a bit more advanced than my other posts, but it is surprisingly easy to do, so I thought I would write a post about what I learned.
Setup and using preferredFontForTextStyle
First off, you have to create an outlet for any label, textfield, or whatever you have that you want to dynamically change the text size of, so as to have a place to set the font. The easiest way to do this is to use the assistant editor on your view, and command+drag your text control to the assistant editor (in the @interface area of your .m for a private outlet). Once you release it will ask you a few questions, and the defaults are fine usually, so you just have to give it a name.