When I decided to start learning Objective-C, I started looking for a lot resources to assimilate, to learn as much as I could. I have been a big fan of podcasts for the last couple years, so I searched for podcasts about iOS and Objective-C programming. Early on, I found this post on the Accidental Technologist that listed several good podcasts in this field. I will cover them here myself as well, but I thought I should call out where I found these in the first place.
Firstly, of course, are the Apple WWDC videos and sample code provided there if you are a registered developer at the iOS Dev Center.
Stanford’s Developing for iOS Classes on iTunes U – These are absolutely amazing. Out of all of the resources I have gone through, these have been the most helpful in getting me going. Profesor Paul Hegarty covers many different aspects of Objective-C and iOS, from the basics to Core Data, and does so in a very casual and easy to understand way.
When gathering links for this blog post, I found that this iOS 7 version of the class is currently in progress, so I have linked it here. I will be going back through these to see what new tidbits I can find that are iOS 7 specific.
Objective-C Podcasts
Developing Perspective by David Smith – As David Smith says in his intro, “Developing Perspective is a podcast discussing news of note in iOS Development, Apple, and the like.” He is an independent iOS developer and definitely helps impart the what it is like to be one, which I am currently aspiring to be.
Edge Cases by Andrew Pontious and Wolf Rentzsch – This is one of the most technical of the Objective-C podcasts I listen to. A lot of it still goes over my head, but hearing the history of many things that make of modern aspects of iOS and Mac development is very interesting, and they DEFINITELY do their homework.
The iDeveloper Podcast by Steve Scott and John Fox – This is a classic that is still going strong. Scotty and John Fox know their stuff and interview many others in the Objective-C developer space.
NSBrief by Saul Mora – Another classic in this space. Like the iDeveloper Podcast, he also interviews many others in the Objective-C developer space. Recently NSBrief and the iDeveloper Podcast have joined forces, so they will probably working together more in the future.
Apple Ecosystem Podcasts
Accidental Tech Podcast by Casey Liss, Marco Arment, and John Siracusa – This is more about Apple as whole, but they are 3 professional Objective-C developers that have a lot of insight in this field. I also find this one of the most entertaining of the podcasts I listen to on this subject.
Bitsplitting by Daniel Jalkut – This is currently on hiatus, but Daniel interviews other people in the Apple Ecosystem.
Core Intution by Daniel Jalkut and Manton Reece – Another particularly entertaining podcast. They talk discuss current apple news and what it is like as Mac and iOS developers.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I feel I have gotten a lot from these in particular.